
Tietoevry creates purposeful technology that reinvents the world for good. We are a leading technology company with a strong Nordic heritage and global capabilities. Based on our core values of openness, trust and diversity, we work with our customers to develop digital futures where businesses, societies, and humanity  thrive.
Our 24,000 experts globally specialize in cloud, data, and software, serving thousands of enterprise and public-sector customers in more than 90 countries. Tietoevry’s annual turnover is approximately EUR 3 billion and the company’s shares are listed on the NASDAQ exchange in Helsinki and Stockholm, as well as on Oslo Børs.

Global100 2024. Every year, Cloudtango honors the most successful managed service providers. For 2024, our technical analysis focused on business growth, customer satisfaction, and service offerings. By being selected, tietoevry demonstrated an excellent track record delivering innovative IT services and cloud solutions while exceeding customer expectations.

50+ LE upGrowth Microsoft EU ISO 27001

Web Development, ERP, Email Security, Ecommerce, Dynamics 365... and 17 more
VMware, Veeam, Splunk, SAP, Microsoft, +4 […]
Helsinki, Finland
Branches: New Delhi and 51 more

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Tietoevryn tiimi ymmärsi heti hankkeen merkityksen meille. Heistä paistoi sitoutuminen ja he ottivat kokonaisvastuun toimituksen onnistumisesta. Tiimissä yhdistyi vahva projektiosaaminen, SAP-järjestelmäasiantuntemus sekä alusta- ja infrastruktuuriosaaminen. Meille Palkeissa syntyi luottavainen olo siitä, että yhdessä saamme hankkeen onnistuneesti maaliin. Saimme ihan mielettömän hyvää palvelua.

Suvi Allan, Head of Finance Transformation

Vi hade kommit mycket långt i diskussionen med en annan leverantör men avslutade processen med fördel för ett val av EVRY. Orsaken var deras förmåga och vilja att förstå verksamhetsfrågorna och att hitta den riktiga kombinationen av kompetenser i form av ett mycket starkt kärnteam.
EVRY förstod uppgiften från dag ett. De ritade upp processen, kom med förslag och arbetade medvetet med en tillvägagångssätt där de utvecklade prototyper, som via demos gav Arlas interna intressenter en konkret hands-on syn och inblick i processen och vägen fram mot den slutliga lösningen.
Det finns inget tvivel om att EVRY på allvar har fått pröva sina kunskaper kring facilitering av workshops och stakeholder management, för projektet har involverat många olika personalgrupper och haft som mål att inkorporera ett brett spektra av kunskap från framträdesvis säljare, ledare och tekniker i vår organisation. Allt samlat är det något som EVRY har hanterat med stor tillfredsställelse.

Rolf Bonde
Arla Foods

In order to rationalise and save costs, as well as improving security, we have decided to go over to electronic management of our supplier invoices. We selected EVRY as our supplier for invoice scanning and recognition because they offered a very competitive price, and we know from our existing collaboration that they are very good at document management.

Henrik Kjellberg

At the moment, EVRY is primarily assisting us with systems development work, but over the years they have worked with us on a whole range of projects that have varied in both their scope and emphasis. Their closeness to us and the great breadth of resources and expertise they possess mean we can take a strategic and long-term approach when working with them. They are very flexible and have great insight, and these qualities have been critical success factors.

Magnus Karlsson

I found it very positive to work according to the Scrum method. It enabled me, as the client, to feel that I participated in the solutions that were being developed. When the site was launched I knew why we had resolved issues in a particular way, and did not need to spend time in trying to understand what the developers had been thinking about. It was a clear advantage to be able to test and provide feEVRYack as the process continued.

Helene Jagstedt

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